Breast Revision Surgery in Charleston, SC
Whether you have had breast augmentation, breast augmentation with a lift, or breast reconstruction, Dr. Ulm can assist you in improving or correcting prior breast surgeries.
Dr. Ulm has extensive experience in breast revision surgery, including correcting problems from implant ruptures, malposition, firmness (capsular contractures), size adjustments, and poor scarring.
Prior to consulting with Dr. Ulm things to consider would be:
- Have your breasts and/or nipple changed in shape or position?
- Are you experiencing pain or discomfort with your breasts or implants?
- Do you wish you had gone bigger or smaller with your implants?
- Do you see ripples or folds of your implants through the skin?
- Do your breasts move unnaturally with activity?
- Are you concerned about a rupture?
- Have your breasts changed in softness or become firm?
- Are you unhappy with the shape, size or feel of your breasts?
If you are experiencing any of these problems, please call Dr. Ulm for a consultation.
Breast Reconstruction Revision
- Dr. Ulm is trained and highly experienced in the latest techniques of breast reconstruction. He routinely performs PRE-PECTORAL BREAST RECONSTRUCTION, in which the implant is placed on top of the chest muscle. This allows the patient to have a more natural and comfortable implant reconstruction.
- If you have had implant based reconstruction prior to 2017, there is a high likelihood that it was done by placing the implant partially or completely under the muscle. This can lead to unnatural movement with activity (animation deformity), persistent pain or tightness in your breast/chest, and even implant position problems.
- After consultation with Dr. Ulm, he may offer a breast reconstruction revision, where some of the below techniques will be used. Most of the time, these are short outpatient procedures that do not require an overnight hospital stay, or significant recovery time.
- Pre-Pectoral Conversion- The submuscluar implant is removed, the muscle is restored to its natural anatomic position and a new implant is repositioned in a pocket on top of the muscle.
- Lipofilling (fat grafting) – fat is obtained via liposuction from desired donor areas (belly, thighs, love handles) and is then placed with small cannulas in specific areas of the breast. This improves the contour and softness of the breast, giving a more natural look and feel. It can also increase the size of the breast without altering the implant or pocket.